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    home environment

    Things to Improve Your Home Environment

    Healthy Breathing Starts With Proper Duct Cleaning


    Your home is your castle. You decide, possibly together with family members, what to make of it. Outside our home we have limited opportunities to improve the environment, but in our home we can do a lot not only with the proper duct cleaning but with other tips we are about to discuss.

    At home we want to feel free, relax and do things that we like. We want to eat, sleep, exercise, maybe work, and socialize with friends and family. We spend many hours at home. Naturally, we want our home to be as comfortable and healthy as possible.

    What surroundings make you happy? What things do you like to have around you? Feeling good at home is a matter of physical as well as mental and social well-being. Look around you and think about what changes can be made in your home environment. Start with something small, one step at a time. Make a small change every day, and after a week the difference will be considerable.

    Your home – a place for personal growth and well-being

    Your home should be a refuge where you can hide from the rest of the world and find strength to go on with life. Why not follow these ten steps to improve your home environment:

    1. Put away things that you don’t need. Too many things disturb the eye and make it hard to relax. Only surround yourself with things that you need or things that will enrich your life.

    2. Stick to a few colors – two or three – for each room, instead of mixing many different colors. This will help you create a calm and balanced atmosphere.

    3. Make sure you have good ventilation. Leave doors between rooms open for better air circulation, and open windows when possible.

    4. Don’t smoke in your home. Ask your visitors to smoke outside.

    5. Choose area rugs instead of carpets when possible.

    6. Use cleaning products with low-toxic content.

    7. Choose furniture and fittings made of non-toxic materials.

    8. Make sure your sleeping place is comfortable and healthy. The pillow is important. Do you often wake up with a headache? You might need a new pillow.

    9. Make your kitchen table as pleasant and welcoming as possible. When you sit down to eat you must be able to relax and enjoy your meal. Are there papers or magazines on the table? Too many different colors? Keep it simple and clean.

    10. Buy some new flowers for your home. Decorate your home with candle lights. Small simple things like these will influence your well-being and improve your home environment.

    Learn about our duct cleaning services – Call 954-241-7352


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