Toxic mold can be harmful not only to your family’s health but also to the survival of your home as a livable space. If not detected early, mold can quickly get out of hand and grow in hard to reach areas, requiring costly home repair and cleanup to get rid of any growth. Additionally, children and people with weak immune systems are especially susceptible to health problems from mold, which could lead to costly medical treatment.
Detecting Toxic Mold
To keep your home safe from unwanted biological growth, keep an eye out for any of the following warning signs:
Preventing Toxic Mold Growth
Besides looking for these warning signs, it is important to have your house properly and regularly maintained. If you don’t feel comfortable performing house checks and maintenance on your own, consider hiring a professional to do it for you:
These simple maintenance steps, when performed regularly, may help to prevent mold growth in the home. If you notice persistent warning signs of mold growth indoors, consider having a professional mold test run in your home.
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