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    AC Duct Cleaning

    AC Duct Cleaning

    Are you looking for AC Duct cleaning? Most of the in-home air arrives through air ducts when an HVAC system operates. Those air ducts can get dirty with mold, microbes, and bacteria, in addition to loads of dirt and dust. Therefore, it is recommended to have your air ducts cleaned on regular basis.

    Some prominent advantages of duct cleaning include:

    • Improved indoor air quality
    • HVAC system energy improvement
    • Reduction or elimination of household allergens
    • Elimination of house dust settling on furnishings
    • Improved air flow for better cooling and heating

    You can count on Air Purification Technologies for professional air duct and HVAC system cleaning. Our technicians will do a thorough air duct cleaning for your Florida area home, allowing you to breathe cleaner, healthier indoor air.

    Why Hire Us?

    Air Purification Technologies is a well known and certified air duct cleaning company, servicing throughout the Florida area. We strive to offer our clients an excellent service for an affordable price. We have years of experience in duct cleaning business. Our trained and fully insured technicians use the most up-to-date technology to offer your home the best air quality possible.

    Our thorough air duct cleaning process helps remove allergens and dust from your home’s indoor air, allowing you to breathe easier. Our experienced and uniformed technicians use a direct contact cleaning procedure to ensure a comprehensive cleaning.

    With a dedicated long standing team and updated equipment, our business is based on quality work.

    Following are some reasons to hire our services:

    • We use the latest technologies in the industry
    • Our staff is experienced and highly trained
    • Fully equipped technicians to handle any residential and commercial service
    • We use environmentally friendly technology
    • All our services are fully insured

    Our AC Duct Cleaning Service

    At Air Purification Technologies, we specialize in air duct, ventilation, and HVAC system cleaning using the most advanced tools and technology to improve your home’s indoor air quality. Our experienced technicians carefully examine your home before starting the cleaning process. The size and built of every house are different; therefore an individual assessment will result in attaining the ultimate results in the duct cleaning process.

    Our AC duct cleaning process includes:

    • Cleaning and sealing off all cold air registers
    • Cleaning and sealing off all hot air registers
    • Air filter inspection
    • Furnace inspection
    • Cleaning plenums
    • Air blasting all cold and hot air ducts by using 150-200 PSI of compressed air
    • Disinfecting duct-work
    • Wiping down inside all cold and hot air vents
    • Cycling furnace to ensure proper fan and lighting operation
    • Cleaning removable grills with high pressure compressed air
    • Advising client on equipment condition

    We offer various other clean air services including:

    • Air conditioning cleaning
    • Furnace cleaning
    • Evaporator coil cleaning
    • HRV (heat recovery ventilation) cleaning
    • Furnace and evaporator coil cleaning
    • And much more!

    For contact information and more details about our air duct cleaning service in Florida. Start breathing freely, call us today!

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